Inmate Groups
Bad Boy
1021 membersA group for men who are sometimes referred to as a bad boys.
Bad Girl
755 membersA group for women who have a reputation for being a bit wild.
Currently Incarcerated
982 membersA group for those who are currently serving time in a correctional facility.
Did My Time
688 membersA group for those who have completed a sentence and are now out of prison.
Does the Drunk Tank Count
107 membersA tongue-in-cheek group for those who have been arrested for a drinking related crime.
Formally Incarcerated
507 membersA group for those who have been to prison in the past.
372 membersA group for those who have admitted guilt for a crime and are paying the consequences.
Guilty, But Its Nothing
91 membersA group for those accused of a crime, but who know that they are innocent or that the charge is not significant.
Guilty, Just Kidding
165 membersA group for those who have been accused of a crime, and admit their guilt in a tongue-in-cheek manner.
I Was Framed
177 membersA group for those who have been falsely accused of a crime they did not commit.
496 membersA group for those who have been accused of a crime but know they are not guilty.
Innocent, Really
346 membersA group for those who have been falsely accused of a crime and are fighting to prove their innocence.
Paid My Debt To Society
473 membersA group for those who have served their sentence and are now trying to move on.
Relative is Incarcerated
175 membersA group for those who have a close family member currently serving time in prison.
Seeking a PenPal Friend
1035 membersA group for those looking for companionship and friendship with someone in prison.
Seeking Bad Boy
604 membersA group for those looking for someone who fits the archetype of a bad boy.
Seeking Bad Girl
610 membersA group for those looking for someone who fits the archetype of a bad girl.
Seeking Legal Help
81 membersA group for those who are trying to find legal assistance for a criminal case.
Seeking Prison PenPal
937 membersA group for those who are hoping to find a pen pal in prison.
Starting Over
638 membersA group for those who have been released from prison and are trying to start over.
Turning Over a New Leaf
522 membersA group for those who have been released from prison and are looking to make a fresh start.
Under House Arrest
213 membersA group for those who are currently under house arrest for a criminal offense.
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