Jedediah129444, 50
currently offline
Aberdeen, ID, USA

My Name Jedadiah Ford, but my friends call me Jed. I am about half way through an all inclusive, Mandatory, five-year vacation at the Idaho Department of Corrections Spa and Resort. I won my fun filled holiday by selling pharmaceuticals without the proper permit. Although there is will time for redemption.I have to say that the cuisine at this particular facility is, shall I say, sub-par.The service lacks the flair you usually find at the finer resorts as well. When I get out,the review I leave on Yelp will be scathing. A bit about me... I have never been married and I have no children. I am an only child and my sole relatives my aging father who live in California.Obviously, in my current predicament,the thing I miss most is freedom. Coming in a very close 2nd is the company of women.I miss women the way salt misses the sea. I hope to make the acquaintance to some ladies on the outside who would like to talk about anything and everything. I have grown tired of all my readily available conversationalist. Don't get me wrong my fellow inmates are great resources for certain things. For instances, if you need to know how to forge a social security check how much a pair of crutches will fetch at the local pawn shop, these are your go to guys.However, I am hoping to hear from some people who actually have more teeth than felony convictions for a change. I enjoy writing and I have been told that I can string a sentence together fairly well. It has been said that I have a great sense of humor .I SUPPOSE that is for you to decide. I look forward to hear from you!
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